ROUND 1: "Around the World Challenge" - both crews danced to the same mastermix influenced by countries such as Jamaica, India and the Carribean. This one was all SUPER CR3W no doubt about that. SUPER CR3W 1-0 SOREAL CRU.
ROUND 2: "Dance Craze Challenge" - crews had to create their own beat, words and dance moves that represented who they truly are. This round pitted super cr3w's "S to the Chest" against soreal cru's "Smash It Up". SUPER CR3W 1-1 SOREAL CRU. Things are just heating up...
ROUND 3: "Battle Round" - rules are simple...battle the other crew with whatever it takes. SUPER CR3W stuck to their b-boy roots with some James Brown music while SOREAL CRU ripped it with their own version of lil wayne's a milli. This round was a toss up and could go either way honestly.
Stay tuned next week for the season finale as we crown AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW!