Four more grueling weeks of group presentations, projects, term papers and, of course, the dreaded finals - all that's left for this one last semester of college (well technically, summer school doesn't count). Currently, i'm not really acing all 5 classes but at least i'm passing all of 'em so that should be good enough. Remember: "C's get degrees", right? ..right??
Anyways, since my schedule this semester had been crappy - 6 hours straight of non-stop college learning - i really don't have the luxury and time to eat a "real" lunch. So for 5 solid months, i've been dealing with just plain water and those yummy looking (but horrible tasting) triangle tuna sandwiches. Sounds healthy but trust me, it ain't hitting the spot. But for $2.15 a day during these tough times.. eeeehhh.. i'll take that deal.